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Tuesday, June 1, 2010

FREE Lunch in the Park

On the side bar we have posted the dates, times, and locations of the Free Lunch in the Park this summer for Twin Falls and the Minidoka area. More areas to come as we get the information compiled. We think this is one of the BEST programs in the area and think everyone should take advantage of it.

Not only does this programs advocate for those kids who might not have a nutritional lunch otherwise, but it also gives the stay-at-home mom a chance to get the kids out of the house and not have to worry about making lunch for the day, not to mention saving some money on groceries.

Please understand there are no income requirements and all citizens of the community are welcome to come out and have a lunch break in one of the many locations listed. You could even try a new park every day if you are feeling adventurous!

We feel so proud and grateful to our community and the school district nutrition program for sponsoring a program like this. There is lots of GOOD being done in our community.

If you take advantage of this program and even if you don't but think it is a worthy cause, please take a minute to send a thank you or even have your kids draw pictures of them in the park eating their lunches and send it to the school district (I will check into what the proper address will be and get back to you). Until then, if you have a thank you or a picture you would like to submit (can definitely be done anonymously) please e-mail it to us and we will post it on this site, as well as, get it to the right people!

Enjoy lunching in the park!

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